"People growing"
Sunshine Buttercup Farms, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in California whose mission is to “help others help themselves.”
Founded in 1986 with a modest intention to provide housing, purposeful activity, and mutual care, Buttercup Farms has since carried out those aims on four continents with the help of dozens of volunteers from North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. These intentions took the form of simple living spaces for persons of all ages, education in useful knowledge and skills, economic development, and community building among cultures through common meals and travel.
Over the years, this thoughtful assistance, rendered in the spirit of helping people to help themselves, has encouraged fellowship and opened the way for fresh opportunities and life choices.
If you know of someone who might be helped through Buttercup Farms' program, please give us a call at (925) 673-0785 or email us at info@buttercupfarms.org.