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Contributing to the life success of individuals fulfills a basic human need we all share. It connects us. It broadens, deepens and enriches our experience. It helps us to reach beyond established boundaries and gain new views of ourselves and others. 


Buttercup Farms, Inc., is not affiliated with any religious or political institutions and has relied on individual contributions since its inception. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so donations are tax-deductible. All contributions are used solely for the benefit of the people served.

Contributions can also be made by check and mailed to:


Buttercup Farms

PO Box 349

Walnut Creek,

CA 94597-0349

Please call (925) 673-0785 to speak with

someone about a giving program


The Buttercup Farms Organization welcomes volunteers from the community. Volunteers benefit in several ways from this activity. Farm work is a healthy and fulfilling outdoor activity. When performed with friends and community members, it creates camaraderie. Volunteers also receive portions of the produce to grace their own mealtime.


We also welcome Wwoofers, find more about it here.


Call us at (925) 672-1474 or (925) 673-0785 or email us at:  


with us

Irma Sevin

Chris Platt

Theresa Overton

Louise Taylor

Angie Wright

Ross Conner

the makers

founding memberS

Gary Crandall

Dave Buck

garden designers

mercantile management

Niki Robison

Paul Herek

Cathy Rowe

Elizabeth Carey Schreibfeder

Ben Bishop



Buttercup Farms Organization would not have fulfilled its mission without the generous support of these two people


Grace Shaw-Kennedy

Ross Conner




John Qualtrough, President

Jorie Hanson, Farm Manager

Judith Rose, Garden Manager

John Qualtrough, President, Buttercup Farms Organization

Buttercup Farms Organization
5181 Morgan Territory Rd.
Clayton, CA 94517

Call us:
(925) 673-0785

Email us:

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